Summa Cum Laude Youth Music Festival

1,500 young choristers and musicians from around the world come together in the musical city of Vienna. They sing and play in the most beautiful concert halls - in the Golden Hall in the Musikverein, in the MuTh and in the Konzerthaus - from 6 to 11 July.

The Summa Cum Laude Youth Music Festival brings the next international, musical generation to Vienna. It is a gathering of superlatives: choirs, orchestras and bands from Australia, Canada, Israel, China, Chinese Taipei, the Philippines, Belgium, Hong Kong, Singapore, Ireland, Greece, Germany, Denmark and Spain make music together. The festival celebrates its twelfth year in 2018!

The young artists will also perform in the neighboring federal provinces as well as in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Germany and Hungary. Anyone who walks through the city during the festival may chance across groups of music-loving young people, laughing, chatting and getting to know Vienna.

The first gathering takes place in Vienna's St. Stephen's Cathedral, where all the young people come together to be musically greeted. In the days that follow, there will be public concerts in such venues as the Musikverein, Wiener Konzerthaus, House of Music, the Prater and at the MuTh. Music workshops will take place at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

Go, listen and be amazed by the enthusiasm and professionalism of the participants! From July 7 to 9, choirs, music groups and bands will perform in pairs all day at the MuTh - the concert hall of the Vienna Boys' Choir. Right next door, the Augarten offers pure relaxation and culinary delights.

The highlight of the festival is the music competition with an international jury at the Golden Hall at Musikverein on July 8 and 9. The winners will demonstrate their considerable talent at the festive closing concert at Wiener Konzerthaus on July 11. A relaxed party is also held at Vienna City Hall after the ceremonial prize-giving.

12th Summa Cum Laude International Youth Music Festival Vienna, 6 - 11 July 2018
Concert program and performance venues at


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