Claude Monet in Vienna

The Albertina dedicates the first comprehensive exhibition for over 20 years to the pioneering impressionist Claude Monet.

Most people are familiar with Claude Monet's water lilies. They are just as famous as van Gogh's sunflowers. Indeed, Monet had a weakness for the popular pond plants. In his garden in the French town of Giverny, Monet (1830-1926) even employed his own gardener just to take care of the water lilies. The paintings of the these aquatic plants can, of course, also be seen in the exhibition "Claude Monet" at the Albertina. A total of 100 paintings, including important loans works from more than 40 international museums and private collections, can be seen in this first comprehensive presentation of Monet's work in Austria for over 20 years.

The French "Master of Light", as Monet was called, was a central pioneer of painting in the 20th century. Monet's light and colors change on the canvas with the constantly changing nature. The element of water runs through his entire oeuvre. The exhibition spans the period from his first pre-impressionist works to his final paintings, which were created in the garden at Giverny. It illuminates Monet's career from Realism via Expressionism to his late works, which paved the way for the beginnings of abstract Expressionism.

Claude Monet, September 21, 2018 to January 6, 2019


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